Studio Cast!

Chunk's 24/7 Video Feed! Pick your favorite streaming site and go!



Gamecasting at it's ragiest potential! Pick your favorite streaming site and go!


Rage Reviews

Movie, TV, and Product reviws with a certain element of 'passion'.


The Rev Report

Paranormal Talk & News with The Revbear Eggman!


Our Company, Staff, Mission

Here at Chunk TV!, we believe in true change! Chunk (not affiliated with film with similar nickname), started casting back in about 2009 on Stickam doing a nightly Midnight to 5am talk-radio style show, with an open 24/7 feed when inactive.

He grew up in a place known as Portland, Maine. A cold spooky New England city about 1/10 the size of Boston. It happens to be the biggest city in the state, but the people around here act like they think it's New York or something. Speaking of which there's a ton of people coming from around the country. Now Portland is turning into a hipster infested Aspen-like goof-town. Our shows in the future will focus on this quite a bit, heh, especially our fictional series.

We made a 24/7 feed again, awhile ago, when my cats started watching TV on LMShows. It was just a feed of them watching nature streams and being cute. After some people started showing up, I decided it was time to go back to an open studio thing. Now with the advent of, I can stream to many sources at once. This is just one of them. We'll be doing more in the future, with fully formatted and scheduled shows.

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